Chris Gibbons is the creator of Economic Gardening, which he created while working at the City of Littleton, Colorado for 25 years. In 2008, he founded National Center for Economic Gardening.
Chris Gibbons has been a guest on 1 episode.
114: Economic Gardening: Nurturing Local Businesses for Community Growth with Chris Gibbons
October 23rd, 2023 | 33 mins 11 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development
Chris Gibbons, creator of the economic gardening concept, explains how he pioneered the idea in Littleton, Colorado in the 1980s to help local companies create jobs after major layoffs. Economic gardening focuses on providing research and insights to growing stage two companies, not basic business assistance. Gibbons discusses the sales window concept they use to efficiently find the best prospects, and their move into leveraging AI like ChatGPT. He also shares his passion for helping communities and people prosper through economic development.