Deb Barnett

Deb Barnett is the Executive Director of SI Now, a regional economic development organization serving 17 counties in Southern Illinois. With a career spanning 30 years, Deb has experience in business ownership, administration, and ministry-related roles. Her notable achievement includes growing Southern Illinois University Carbondale's business incubator to full capacity for the first time in its 30-year history. Deb is passionate about regional collaboration and economic growth, as evidenced by SI Now's recent recognition with two IEDC Excellence Awards in 2024. She is also the co-host of the "Small Town Big Business" podcast, which recently celebrated its 100th episode. Deb is a proud alumna of Southern Illinois University Carbondale and believes in the power of authentic leadership, inspired by Bill George's "True North." Her approach to economic development emphasizes collaboration over competition and celebrating shared successes across the region.

Deb Barnett has been a guest on 1 episode.