With a B.A. in English from the University of Iowa, Sarah, is just as ready to write a grant as she is to roll up her sleeves to help renovate a building. She is a committed economic developer and enthusiastic preservationist. Sarah has worked in four different Main Street Communities. Currently a full time consultant she works with another consultant on Destination Diaries on YouTube and has started a service called Fables, Tales, Legends, and Lore: Stories for your Business, creating tales for individual businesses or to be put into a book used for non-profit fundraising in rural communities.
Sarah Thompson has been a guest on 1 episode.
42: Rural Revitalization with Sarah Thompson
March 21st, 2022 | 26 mins 37 secs
econdev, economic development, rural
Dane talks to Sarah Thompson about rolling up your sleeves and figuring out a new path if your rural community needs help. According to Sarah, there is nothing that can stop those who truly want a better future for their downtown and community. It takes hard work and committed volunteers.