We found 10 episodes of Econ Dev Show Podcast - Economic Development with the tag “econdev”.
45: How to Merge an EDO with a Chamber with Andy Sokolovich
April 11th, 2022 | 23 mins 44 secs
chamber of commerce, eco devo, econdev, economic development
How do you merge a Chamber of Commerce and an Economic Development Organization? Today we talk to Andy Sokolovich about his experience doing just this in Clinton, Iowa.
44: Podcasting 101
April 4th, 2022 | 8 mins 3 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development, podcasting
In this episode, we get geeky, and Dane quickly explains his podcasting setup.
43: Talking Downtown Strategies with Jenn Gregory and Elliott Cook
March 28th, 2022 | 36 mins 46 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development
In this episode, Dane talks downtowns with Jenn Gregory and Elliott Cook, both on the Downtown Strategies team at Retail Strategies. Every community in America, of any size or population, can revitalize or create a downtown. According to the Jenn and Elliott, placemaking comes in all shapes and sizes. They encourage you to start small and build on that success!
42: Rural Revitalization with Sarah Thompson
March 21st, 2022 | 26 mins 37 secs
econdev, economic development, rural
Dane talks to Sarah Thompson about rolling up your sleeves and figuring out a new path if your rural community needs help. According to Sarah, there is nothing that can stop those who truly want a better future for their downtown and community. It takes hard work and committed volunteers.
41: Economic Development in Alabama With Jim Searcy
March 14th, 2022 | 29 mins 14 secs
alabama, econdev, economic development
In this episode, Dane talks with Jim Searcy, executive director of the Economic Development Association of Alabama.
40: With Alejandra Castillo, US Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development
March 6th, 2022 | 37 mins 28 secs
econdev, economic development, eda
Dane talks with Alejandra Castillo about her leadership of the US Economic Development Administration.
39: Economic Development is Still Not for Amateurs with Jay Garner
February 27th, 2022 | 31 mins 46 secs
book, econdev, economic development
Dane talks to Jay Garner, president and founder of Garner Economics, and the former chair of both the IEDC and Site Selectors Guild, about his new book "Economic Development is Still Not for Amateurs".
34: Rural California Business Retention and Attraction With Cole Przybyla
January 17th, 2022 | 23 mins 26 secs
attraction, california, econdev, economic development, retention
Dane and Cole Przybyla talk about Cole's unique business retention and attraction tactics in rural California.
33: Economic Development in New Mexico with Kristen Gamboa
January 10th, 2022 | 33 mins 53 secs
econdev, economic development, new-mexico, newmexico, workforce
In this episode, Dane talks to Kristen Gamboa. She is the Senior Economic Developer for the Village of Los Lunas. She has been instrumental in helping existing businesses expand and grow, as well actively market and bring in new economic-base businesses to the second fastest growing community in New Mexico. Prior to this, she was the Director of Business Development for the New Mexico Partnership where she actively engaged with companies, C-suite executives, and site consultants looking for expansion, relocation, or new project opportunities across the Land of Enchantment.
According to Kristen, "New Mexico is a hidden gem that is still a little rough around the edges but with more regionalized economic development strategies you're going to hear and see more companies expanding to our 'Land of Enchantment'."
31: Incentivizing Your Community with Michael Mazur
December 29th, 2021 | 31 mins 10 secs
behavioral economics, econdev, economic development, gamification
During the pandemic, cities were able to use elements of gamification and behavioral economics to boost consumption at their local businesses and create a sense of civic pride. Colu VP Michael Mazur explains the process to host Dane.