About the show
We explore the strategies, ideas, and insights that are driving economic development forward into the future. You'll hear new insights from passionate ED's about their successes and struggles, and you'll learn from attraction and retention experts about how to apply actionable strategies inside your EDO. We'll help take your organization, your community, and your career to the next level.
Econ Dev Show Podcast - Economic Development on social media
53: What To Do First in Economic Development with Andy Portera
June 21st, 2022 | 26 mins 35 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development
Economic development consultant Andy Portera answers the question: When you're brought into a community, what do you advise them to do first.
52: The Journey: Successful Strategies and Techniques for Economic Developers with Chad Newell
June 13th, 2022 | 31 mins 58 secs
author, book, eco devo, econdev, economic development, mississippi
Dane & Chad Newell of the Hattiesburg ADP discuss Chad's new book.
51: Economic Development is Changing with Nathan Ohle, President & CEO of the IEDC
June 6th, 2022 | 19 mins 27 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development
According to Nathan Ohle, "The economic development field is changing, and IEDC will continue to play a leadership role in driving equitable economic outcomes."
50: Dane's Rules for Conferences
May 17th, 2022 | 9 mins 43 secs
conferences, eco devo, econdev, economic development
Conferences are about face-to-face interaction, not about sitting in sessions.
49: Understanding Your Startup Ecosystem With Darren Stauffer
May 9th, 2022 | 27 mins 11 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development
The tide for economic developers has shifted, and tech ecosystems are truly everywhere.
48: Local Econ Dev Digital Marketing with KathodeRay Media
May 2nd, 2022 | 31 mins 42 secs
digital marketing, eco devo, econdev, economic development, marketing, new york
Dane talks with Mark Gustavson and Marlene McTigue of KathodeRay Media about their success stories in rural economic development digital marketing.
47: Arizona Economic Development With Carrie Kelly
April 25th, 2022 | 26 mins 48 secs
arizona, eco devo, econdev, economic development
Dane Carlson talks to Carrie Kelly, the Executive Director of the Arizona Association for Economic Development.
46: Using Plain Language in Economic Development with Melissa Meschke
April 18th, 2022 | 26 mins 58 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development, plainlanguage
Do you find it difficult to explain your job to your family, friends and even your professional contacts? Use plain language.
45: How to Merge an EDO with a Chamber with Andy Sokolovich
April 11th, 2022 | 23 mins 44 secs
chamber of commerce, eco devo, econdev, economic development
How do you merge a Chamber of Commerce and an Economic Development Organization? Today we talk to Andy Sokolovich about his experience doing just this in Clinton, Iowa.
44: Podcasting 101
April 4th, 2022 | 8 mins 3 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development, podcasting
In this episode, we get geeky, and Dane quickly explains his podcasting setup.
43: Talking Downtown Strategies with Jenn Gregory and Elliott Cook
March 28th, 2022 | 36 mins 46 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development
In this episode, Dane talks downtowns with Jenn Gregory and Elliott Cook, both on the Downtown Strategies team at Retail Strategies. Every community in America, of any size or population, can revitalize or create a downtown. According to the Jenn and Elliott, placemaking comes in all shapes and sizes. They encourage you to start small and build on that success!
42: Rural Revitalization with Sarah Thompson
March 21st, 2022 | 26 mins 37 secs
econdev, economic development, rural
Dane talks to Sarah Thompson about rolling up your sleeves and figuring out a new path if your rural community needs help. According to Sarah, there is nothing that can stop those who truly want a better future for their downtown and community. It takes hard work and committed volunteers.