About the show
We explore the strategies, ideas, and insights that are driving economic development forward into the future. You'll hear new insights from passionate ED's about their successes and struggles, and you'll learn from attraction and retention experts about how to apply actionable strategies inside your EDO. We'll help take your organization, your community, and your career to the next level.
Econ Dev Show Podcast - Economic Development on social media
77: The Work Starts at Home: Business Attraction with Lenora Fisher
December 19th, 2022 | 30 mins 35 secs
business attraction, eco devo, econdev, economic development
Dane talks business attraction with Lenora Fisher, the Director of Business Attraction at Greater Peoria Economic Development Council.
76: Dane Asks a Question About Site RFIs
December 12th, 2022 | 8 mins 47 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development
In this episode, Dane talks to himself about site RFIs, and why we don't figure them out in advance?
75: The Equity in Economic Development Fellowship Program with Chanell Hasty
December 7th, 2022 | 14 mins 41 secs
dev, eco devo, econdev, economic development, equity
In this episode, Dane talks with Chanell Hasty about the IEDC's 2023 Equity in Economic Development Fellowship Program.
74: Shop Local First with Steve Fletcher
December 5th, 2022 | 34 mins 10 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development
Steve Fletcher is the Director of Economic Development at Lowcountry Local First. There he works to advance economic prosperity and local ownership through innovative and inclusive initiatives that build our community’s wealth and wellbeing. Dane talks with him about how shopping local is more than just a holiday initiative.
73: Podcast Powered Economic Development: Part 1
November 14th, 2022 | 15 mins 35 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development, podcasting
In this episode, Dane talks about how to supercharge your economic development with a podcast.
72: Utility Economic Development in 2022 with Richard Cornelison
November 7th, 2022 | 44 mins 36 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development, utility
Utilities are often the primary driver of economic development in many communities. They are often the chief funder but can also bring several technical resources, including GIS, data, etc. But in 2022, their role is evolving. In this episode, Richard, brings his years of utility ED experience to bear and describes the future.
71: Both a Planning Agency and an EDO With Chris Setti
October 31st, 2022 | 38 mins 19 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development, planning
In this episode, Dane talks with Chris Setti, the CEO of the Greater Peoria Economic Development Council. The GPEDC is both a planning agency and a traditional ED practitioner, and that's pretty cool.
70: Digital Entrepreneurial Support and Ecosystem Building with Jenny Poon
October 24th, 2022 | 27 mins 32 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development, entrepreneurship
In this episode, Dane talks with Jenny Poon about HUUB, a digital resource platform for economic developers to better serve and engage with their small business community.
69: Tackling Workforce Development from a Unique Angle With Clint Knight and Sandy Messner
October 17th, 2022 | 32 mins 53 secs
chamber, chamber of commerce, eco devo, econdev, economic development, workforce
In this episode, Dane talks with talks with Clint Knight and Sandy Messner. In 2022, the Richland Area Chamber tackled Workforce Development from a unique angle. They'd spent years working to integrate upskilling opportunities and education in the effort, and realized that there was a gap in the process. They identified that gap - in their community - as "awareness".
68: How Creating Housing Density Can Solve Economic Challenges with Scott Graves
October 10th, 2022 | 30 mins 10 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development, housing
Scott Graves talks about how investing in creating housing density across a wide a socioeconomic spectrum can build better places.
67: How to Build a Business Accelerator in Your Small Town With Jana Sanchez
October 3rd, 2022 | 29 mins 26 secs
br&e, business accelerators, business retention and expansion, colorado, eco devo, econdev, economic development
Jana Sanchez walks us through the ins and outs of the Business Accelerator Services of Estes (BASE) Program at the Estes Park EDC. Her comprehensive executive education is helping the mountain tourist town's businesses to expand.
66: Workforce Development Starts in 3rd Grade with Greg Lowe
September 26th, 2022 | 41 mins 31 secs
eco devo, econdev, economic development, workforce development
Greg Lowe is the Economic Development Director in Lewisburg, Tennessee. His workforce development program doesn't start in trade school or junior college. It starts in third grade.